Фото/ Photos

Conclusion 1 There was a provocation in Ukraine. Its purpose is to bring down a Boeing 777-200ER and to blame the people’s defenders of the New Russia (Novorossia) or Russia in it for the reason of the official entry of NATO troops into the territory of Ukraine and to involve Russia in the war. The plane wasn't there supposed territory of Russia. (Facts: 1 - 7).

Fact 1 The message about the Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRD) of the MH17 flight “Amsterdam (Netherlands) - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)", downed July 17, was laid out by the Ukrainian security forces in Internet for days before it occurs, July 16, and after some time one was removed, but traces remained. Many people downloaded files with this message. And the message itself was mounted; its fragments differ significantly in their frequency spectrum. A board number of the MH17 flight, downed July 17 is 9M-MRD.

Fact 2 Poroshenko was first who reported about downed allegedly by militias Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRD). Obama has publicly congratulated Poroshenko with the successful conduct of ATU, shaking his hand.

Fact 3 The telephone conversations declassified by "CyberBerkut" open that: 1) the action was prepared; 2) that the Boeing 777 was shot down by something, and then destroyed by something; 3) that Poroshenko supervised the preparation and conducted of provocation on the territory of Ukraine.

Fact 4 There were a mistakes in the data. First one reported about 80 children among the dead, and then only about 3 (children's slippers were only two different ones children's things were little). It is a well-known method, as human memory remembers a large but incorrect number 80 longer then a small but correct number 3 that was quickly forgotten.

Fact 5 Fake passports were planted at the crash site immediately after the crash. 1) Passport were not burnt, in one plastic bag: passport never in the plane do not collect; 2) Among the Dutch passports there were passports with the punched hole punch holes; so expired passport are marked in the Netherlands; 3) all passports were fake as the flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on 17 July was cancelled befor "hit him in the rocket"; 4) on 21 April 2013-year, profiles of the completely different independent from other people respectively these passports one-time Facebook. What are a amicable passengers?! All these profiles are similar to the fact that nothing but photos uploaded in one day, on these pages there is nothing.

Fact 6 Things were similarly planted after the collapse, completely whole, not burnt and arranged in neat piles.

Fact 7 Eyewitnesses observed two parachutists for a few seconds before slapping (most likely they were the ones who threw things).

Conclusion 2 There was a volley from the missile system "Buk". A missile (SA-11 of the system "Buk-M1") did not reach 100 meters to the aircraft (there are traces of debris) and exploded ahead of time. Then Boeing 777-200ER was shot through the bottom of the aircraft by the machine-gun fire (there are 30 mm traces of machinegun fire, fact 13), and then it was finished off the core missile “air-to-air" (missiles R-73 or R-27) from the fighter (MiG-29 or Su-27). (Facts: 8 - 15).

Fact 8 Witnesses heard 2 or 3 of cotton. It's not shots "air-air", that don't hear for 10 km. It could only be: 1) a volley of "Buk-M1"; 2) the explosion of the aircraft, since moment as it began to fall sharply down and exploded at the height of hearing; 3) could be a sound of the blows of the parts of the aircraft on the ground.

Fact 9 The deployed and brought to full combat readiness battery of "Buk" was marked by Russian radars there at that time. Air Force and Air Defense of Ukraine were in full combat readiness. Why? But the people’s defenders of the New Russia did not aviation. The flight path was significant on 500 km to the West changed from normal, starting with Poland. Further changes in trajectory and reduced height over Ukraine were dictated by the Dnepropetrovsk managers of Ukraine. In addition, Boeing 777-200ER over the territory of Ukraine was accompanied by 2 fighters.

Fact 10 A volley of "Buk-M1 was. However, the rocket did not reach. Its height was defined 10000 m (10 km). The plane was flying at a height of 10100 m. Although the aircraft lowered the height over the territory of Ukraine, but it wasn't enough to bring down the plane, or as it was intended. Rocket from "Buk" fell short and exploded before without damaging Boeing 777 so that he immediately fell to the ground.

Fact 11 Then there was the staging of Ukraine the dummy missile "Buk-M1. Video of the truck with one rocket "Buk", captured on the territory controlled by the security forces, they tried to pass off the video, allegedly rocket of the people’s defenders. It been taken away to hide to somewhere. 1) A user Paul Zherebin writes: "There was distributed video in the Ukrainian pages, where the people’s defenders allegedly taken away to the direction of Russia the shooter "Buk". But there is ??Krasnoarmeysk city, on video. We see a Billboard with advertising of the car dealership at Dnepropetrovskу Street, 34 House. Since may 11 and still (21.07) the city is under the control of the troops of the junta, conducting ATO!" 2) Earlier this video was posted on his page by the head of the MIA of Ukraine Arsen Avakov. He claimed that there the people’s defenders were on the video. A user Alex Grey explained: ”One missile is missing on the "Buk". There is a shop "Stroydom" («Building home») on the photo and video from the same truck. Address is Krasnoarmeysk city, Gorky Street, 49 House. That is, the shooter "Buck" was on the territory controlled by the junta and is still there. What are the questions? It's so clear as day - Boeing was hit by a Ukrainian military by this "Buk".

Thus, the Ukrainian media showed the shooter "Buck without one missile, on their territory with the exact address!

Fact 12 The main reason of the crash is a volley of missiles "air-to-air" from the ground-attack fighter (SU or MIG). This is confirmed by the following facts: 3 and 10, and by photos on Flickr ( from the crash site in Ukraine and on other Internet sites. Experts are unanimous in the assessment of the wing and the aircraft nose: there are traces of the rod warhead missiles "air-to-air". And the trajectory of the missile traced well from the wing to the aircraft nose. And there are the related wreckages of the fallen aircraft. And an explosion of fuel was and the plane was broken into pieces.

Fact 13 There is expert opinion that the bottom of the plane was shot machine-gun fire of the caliber 30 mm bullets (from machine-gun GSch-302/AO-17A of Ukrainian SU-27). Why? There's one reason only: it is to introduce an investigation into misleading and to try shooting a machine gun at the same time. On the other hand, there is in the direct broadcast of the press conference of dated July 21, 2014, the chief of the operative management of the Ministry of defense of Russia Andrey Kartapolov has been said that the distance from aircraft to aircraft Boeing-777 was about 3-5 km. And the effective distance of the aircraft cannon is 900 meters. Therefore, it should be verifyed: 1) traces from a fusillade on the bottom Boeing-777; 2) the distance from the fighter to Boeing 777 taking into account the error. Then to draw conclusions regarding the use of the aircraft cannon; 3) clarification of the issue is not fundamental (fact: 12), only optional.  

Fact 14 Evidence from the Russian radars: there were disappeared from the radar in the time of the explosion, they are Boeing 777-200ER (it was shot) and 1 fighter (it went to a lower altitude and was not visible on radar). And, the residents saw exactly this fighter  after the crash immediately, at low altitude, that come back, or to look at everything in general, or to reset the things of the passengers. Most likely, passports were thrown by the parachutists, and things were thrown by this fighter. The second fighter continued further flight from this point of explosion and had landing somewhere in the Ukraine.

Fact 15 Two recorder found at the crash site indicate not only the strong explosive decompression. But that, most likely, no living people was on Board, and the plane flew on autopilot. Time to file a distress signal was enough, the voices of the crew allegedly were not recorded also (fact: 32).

Conclusion 3 Previously missing on March 7-8, Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO), flight MH370 "Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) - Beijing (China), was stolen and was the United States military base on the Diego Garcia atoll, located along the route of flight MH370. Purpose: 1) to steal scientific military research and developments; 2) kidnapping of the scientists; 3) to steal them money; 4) a transportation of hazardous and (or) the secret of the cargos; 5) to use the stolen aircraft to new provocations. (Facts: 16 - 27).

Fact 16 Missing 8 Jan at 02:40 on Malaysian time (7 Mar, 22:40 on Moscow time) Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO) recorded by the radar for another 6 hours then and disappeared finally on 8 March.
Onboard number of the flight MH370, "missing" March 8 is 9M-MRO.

Fact 17 The wreckage of the plane and people were not found.

Fact 18 The same pilot (Commander Gilberto Araujo da Silva) participated in two plane crashes. He was the pilot of one of those two aircraft, that was similarly stolen and then used in a terrorist attack in America on September 11 and there were destroyed 2 towers, allegedly by suicide bombers. Then similarly, after the tragedy, the completely clean not burnt passport two pilots were thrown. Most likely, the aircrafts were controlled by the autopilots. This is the signature of the CIA: on the one hand they are net passport, thrown by someone after the disaster, with the other hand they are 2 pilots.

Note that the previous case of the disappearance of civil aircraft took place on 30 January 1979 runtime cargo flight Boeing 707-323C Board PP-VLU of the company Varig. It disappeared over the Pacific Ocean after Half an hour after the departure of the aircraft from Tokyo. No one managed to find any trace of the aircraft or of the signs of his fall despite the extensive searches. This incident was considered by the single disappearance of the jet airliner and one of the most mysterious cases in the history of aviation. It is also a rare event in the history of aviation, when the same pilot (commander Gilberto Araujo da Silva) participated in two, completely identical, airline hijackings.

Fact 19 The simulation on which the pilot of this plane trained was found. His training was to land the plane on the runway 1000 m (1 km). A military base of Diego Garcia was in the flight simulator.

Fact 20 Unaccounted cargos were on the board of the airplane. It is necessary to investigate, there are three versions: 1) it was a party of the flammable lithium batteries, which no transported by air transport absolutely; 2) it was dangerous biological cargo; 3) both cargos together.

According to the head of the Malaysian airline Ahmad Jauhar Yahya, transportation of dangerous good (a party of the flammable lithium batteries) was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the International civil aviation organization (ICAO). Yahya said: "They are not dangerous in themselves, but we packed them in accordance with the recommendations of ICAO. We checked out a few times, as we have done it correctly ". He stressed also that such transportation is common practice for many airlines. Most likely, this statement was made to disguise of the biological cargo and the reasons of the disappearance of the aircraft.

Fact 21 There were 20 experts one way or another connected with the military establishment of the USA on the board of the Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO flight MH370). They are 20 employees of Freescale. They were flying to a business meeting in Beijing. 12 of them were citizens of Malaysia, 8 of them were by Chinese. All they had patents for inventions in the field: Informatics, pesticides, control of the masses, nuclear power. In addition, there were patents on issues of work and energy transfer at a distance and control technologies. Each theme is unique for its new developments.

Fact 22 There were the witnesses. They saw the low flying plane on two small islands that are not far from Diego Garcia. In particular, the inhabitants of the island Kuva Huwad Hu say that they have never seen such a big plane flying over their heads. People ran out from their homes to see what makes the noise: it was the missing plane that was landing. It was the same day from 7 to 8 March.

Fact 23 China knows everything and says nothing. March 8, satellites observed the aircraft in real time, down to its seat on the basis of the Navy and the Air Force of the USA of Diego Garcia. Almost immediately, not less than four passenger planes: the professionals-epidemiologists and microbiologists from the American Center for control and prevention of diseases and their Chinese colleagues (most of the passengers of the "missing" flight - Chinese) on the basis arrived. The answers to some questions were not received. These some questions are the treatments of diplomats of several countries for clarification about the purpose of the arrival of American and Chinese experts on Diego Garcia and where was the flight MH370 at that time.

Fact 24 Anyone 1 of these 20 scientists sent a photo. As we know, the phones of some of the passengers were called up in the next few days after the disappearance of the aircraft. Photo, geological which pointed to the base of Diego Garcia was sent from one iPhone. 19 families signed a petition to request investigation of the aircraft at the military base of Diego Garcia.

It should be clear for all that 239 passengers will never return home with such base. A peaceful people, who were accidentally with 20 scientists on the same plane, were eliminated as witnesses according to the laws of war. Moreover, life of the 4th richest people was kept until 17 July, until the crash moment in Ukraine, and then their accounts were robbed on July 18. Obviously, to access their accounts, they were deceived by the promise of the preservation of life and then killed.

Fact 25 Anyone 1 of these 20 scientists layed out a desperate message: "Why remove you, moderators? There was suspicious cargo delivered in Kuala Lumpur roundabout way on the board of the Boeing 777. The cargo arrived from the USA to the Republic of Seychelles Islands on the container ship “Maersk Alabama" walking under the flag of the U.S.A. and accompanied by staff of the Maritime security firm Trident Group. Two highly skilled soldiers of the special forces of the U.S.A. Navy accompanying the cargo were found dead  on Board of the container ship "Maersk Alabama" after a stopover in Dubai. March 8, this shipment was sent to the ill-fated flight Kuala Lumpur - Beijing, but has not arrived at the destination. When the flight was in the air already and walked out of the zone of responsibility of the Malaysian air traffic controller, it was reported that Chinese managers banned the landing in Beijing and sent the aircraft to an alternative airport Haikou Meilan (code is HAK) on Hainan island. It was be on the basis of instructions of the security service. Then it was over the South China sea, before entering the airspace covered the China PVO on the Spratly Islands, the plane deviated sharply from the flight plan and headed to the Atoll of Diego Garcia. March 8, satellites observed the aircraft in real time, down to its seat on the basis of the Navy and USAF on Diego Garcia. March 8, satellites observed the aircraft in real time, down to its seat on the basis of the Navy and the Air Force of the USA of Diego Garcia. Almost immediately, not less than four passenger planes: the professionals-epidemiologists and microbiologists from the American Center for control and prevention of diseases and their Chinese colleagues (most of the passengers of the "missing" flight - Chinese) on the basis arrived. The answers to some questions were not received. These some questions are the treatments of diplomats of several countries for clarification about the purpose of the arrival of American and Chinese experts on Diego Garcia and where was the flight MH370 at that time".

Fact 26 The CIA, i.e. the US and the Pentagon (fact 18), Poland and Nazi Kiev (fact 9), Netherlands (fact 5) and China (fact 23), the Malaysian owners of the company (fact 20) - participated in the provocation July 17. Purpose: to blame the people’s defenders of the New Russia and Russia in the plane crash on July 17, to create the reason for entry of NATO troops and the war with Russia on the territory of Ukraine.

Fact 27 The people’s defenders of the New Russia have not "Buk" and attack aircraft-fighters, have not air defense, capable of hitting the target at the height of 10km. The people’s protection has not means able to shoot down the plane at this height.

Conclusion 4 There were not the living people on the aircraft downed July 17, with the exception of two pilots who landed with the help parachutes for a few seconds before the crash. And possibly there are were the four rich mans of the missing March 8 Boeing 777 (fact: 24), whose money been stolen from their Bank accounts on July 18.The idea of this provocation belongs to George Soros. Soros works for the CIA. Soros has control in the company of Malaysia Airlines on GAT. (Facts: 28 - 44).

Fact 28 Compare the facts: 1 and 16. Onboard flight numbers are:

flight MH17 "Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur", it was shot down on July 17 and
flight MH370 "Kuala Lumpur - Beijing", it disappeared on March 8.

They differ only in the last letter "D" and "O":

Onboard the flight number MH17, downed on July 17 is Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRD).
Onboard the flight number MH370, missing on March 8 is Boeing-777-200ER (9M-MRO).

Need the expertise of these letters and the enamel of the layers.

Fact 29 It was in advance, about six months before his disappearance, 9M-MRO together with 9M-MRD has been serviced at one time and in one place. All the parts from 9M-MRO were moved In the fuselage of the plane number 9M-MRD. All parts from 9M-MRD were mixed up in 9M-MRO, respectively. Someone messed allegedly "accidentally". Since the factory warranty and full identity details were therefore details to change  back did not, as it was very difficult.

Fact 30 There are eyewitness accounts that some of the bodies from a crashed plane in the Donetsk region were "not fresh", many corpses were "completely bloodless" with a strong putrid odor characteristic of bodies of people who died a few days ago. A large number of medicines and blood serum were found. It seems a medical special cargo was that.

Most of the bodies were naked or had the identical clothing of the firm "Hugo Boss" ( German production of the uniforms in Metzingen, that used forced labor of the laborers from Poland, Ukraine and French prisoners of war during the great Patriotic war, 1941-1945).

Fact 31 According to witnesses, the pilot and several passengers (fact: 24) were still alive prior to the crash. The whole cabin was spattered with blood. Here, similarly, need expertise to exclude or confirm the version of partial staging the death of the pilots by the two parachutists (fact: 7). Pilots could be insane state at the time of the crash, because there was no speech and the shouting on the recorders, although time was enough. In the first the splinters from system "Buk" hit the plane, then there was a machine-gun fire from the ground-attack fighter, then the fighter was a volley of the rod missiles "air-to-air, after which, the plane flew down for a while, and then the explosion was, and the plane was torn into parts (facts: 8-15).

Fact 32 Among dispatchers, there are witnesses who heard the last words: "Made'll, fire”, which means in aviation "made shall fire”. But somewhere these words disappeared on the recorders (fact: 15)?

Emergency codes were not used:

7500 - Hijack in progress;
7600 - Communications failure;
7700 - In-flight emergency;
7777 - Military intercept.

Veterans of the website “VeteransToday” believe that keyboard of the flight MH370 was disconnected electrically, deliberately, via satellite. The same as MH370 could be with MH17.

Fact 33 Passengers on board died in the Ukraine had no relatives. In any crash, the first thing that we see on our TV screens is not a crash site. They are relatives of the died people many of whom have not yet had time to leave the airport after wires. The TV-viewer is watching video reports about how psychologists work with the families of the victims around the clock for a few days. Relatives were not on 17 July, and they was not then, they was not now after over a month.

Fact 34 The simulated presence of relatives at the airport in Kuala Lumpur was shown on television all countries on July 18. The old trick with a man in a police uniform was used in the airport escalator in the conversation with the journalist. This man reported that relatives are on the second floor and that it is better did not to see this sad picture. And that cannot go there, ostensibly to "do not disturb relatives once again". This only proves the absence of relatives. The next day showed a woman who allegedly was late on the flight and she said that now she began life anew. But, and this confirms the complete absence of relatives only.

Fact 35 Holland oversees the plane crash in Ukraine. It is the Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell is the company that is the beneficiary of the clearing of Donbass from the Russian population for the beginning of large-scale development of shale gas in this region. In agreement with Shell specify the exact coordinates of the "Contract Area", allocated for shale gas. This area consists of mainly Donetsk and Kharkov regions of area 7,886 square kilometers. It includes completely so large cities such as Slavyansk, Izyum, Barvenkovo, a huge part of Kramatorsk, part of Druzhkovka and Balakley, and dozens and hundreds of the smaller settlements. The Netherlands took the lead in this investigation. What kind of objectivity can be a speech? They crave for death of all on the South-East.

Fact 36 In addition, the Netherlands has not carried identification. 22 experts working to identify the remains in the city Hilversum, as they said. However, no single body was not identified by Holland. Where are authentic names and relatives there? To identify nobody and nothing! All passports were completely brand new, clean and fake. But in fact, bodies are corpses were not Dutch, nor Chinese, but the Malaysian stolen airplane July 17th. Holland has already committed the sin, taking this investigation on self, covering the atrocities of the Nazis of the USA and Ukraine. But Holland could not to make such a forgery to simulate the identification of the China's corpses by the Dutch's relatives. But, it could made USA, declaring that one person with dual citizenship (American and Dutch) was identified. But it looks so fake and not convincing, no first name, no second name, no family has not been named, that no one believed it. There is Video about of the reading the burial service of theof the deceased passengers of flight MH17 (MH370) in the city Hilversum without their relatives in the Internet. This video is the special performance.

The Netherlands, do not take a sin on soul, you must return the bodies of the dead people to the Chinese and Malaysian relatives of kidnapped March 8 aircraft, which was shot down with the dead bodies on July 17!

Fact 37 There were 227 passengers and 12 crew members (a total of 239) on the plane, missing March 8.
"For all this time, the team prepared 227 of the special coffins in order to transport the bodies to the Netherlands for the identification. Accordingly, 180 coffins were sent already, and the rest will be shipped out tomorrow morning," - Groisman said, when he was a brief time as acting Prime Minister Yatsenyuk and head of the governmental Commission on investigation of the reasons of the crash of the Boeing 777 in the Donetsk region.

There were allegedly 283 passengers and 15 crew members (a total of 298) on the aircraft, downed 17 July in Ukraine. Note that the capacity of the Boeing 777-200ER is 282 seats.

From where knew Groisman about the exact number 227, instead of 283? The people’s defenders sent only 198 of bodies in Kharkov. Only Groisman, though Manager, but did not consider that from 227 it was necessary to subtract 20, 20 is the number of scientists that the United States did not intend to kill, but only to use their labour as prisoners in prison on Diego Garcia until they are needed.

It can be only in one case if 227 of bodies from the plane, which disappeared on March 8, were on Board the plane downed in Ukraine on July 17. Most likely, it is because of this message, Groisman was quickly removed from this position and Yatsenyuk was returned.

227 - 20 = 207 of passengers along with the crew was on the plane downed in Ukraine on July 17. 20 coffins are unnecessary. It remains to find 9 of bodies (207 - 198 = 9), which may be in the reservoir.

Fact 38 According to one of the Malaysian publications, the large sums of money were withdrawn from the accounts of the passengers disappeared March 8. About 35 thousand dollars were withdrawn from the 4 victims. The operations were conducted in one day on July 18, 2014. This became known after as the management of the banks had contacted the police. In the beginning, the credit organization tried to conduct an own investigation, however, they have not yielded results. Liner Malaysian airlines lost in the night of 7 and 8 March. Fact 38 confirms the facts: on 24 and 31.

Fact 39 The American billionaire George Soros was first who suggested to impose idea of the sanctions against Russia. It was that Soros, who earned his first capital in the stock fraud, and then bought inventions and patents around the world. Thus, it becomes clear who helps to capture and shoot down planes of Malaysia Airlines. Russian had deemed sanctions of George Soros as the ridiculous sanctions. But, he had prepared a surprise, which Poroshenko mentioned with such inspiration. It was monstrous, it was to kill people twice.

Fact 40 Edition of “Smart Business Network" reported in 2009 that George Soros has provided the start-up capital GAT (General Aviation Terminal is GAT, GAT Airline Ground Support is the ground terminal support of the airports around the world) in the form of a loan, which allegedly was repaid in 18 months. Moabery Abdul, who took a loan from George Soros, along with five industry friends, launched the company in 2002. This proves that George Soros had access to databases and airport terminals in China and the Netherlands, through a former employee of the Navy United States Abdul Moabery. It becomes clear, why the scam registering fictional people with false passports took place on the flight MH17 (fact: 5). Auditors should check the archive database of passengers at 16.07.2014 and 17.07.2014. Most likely, there is registration date, as in Facebook (fact: 5) it is a single number, and the time is close, and there were children (3 or 80). See fact: 43.

This difference in the number of children confirms the presence of a Scam with the passengers.

Fact 41There is recently the most delusional version was thrown in the Internet that allegedly no one shot. The bodies of dead people and wreckage of the plane collected from different locations of aircraft catastrophes and similar to the Boeing-777 by size, and they all were dumped on the territory of Ukraine. This version of itself does not represent anything. It is or ignorance of all the facts, or the last attempt to cover their tracks. Moreover, this version is recognized and confirmed presence of "the stale corpses". Boeing victims are did not matter to the Nazis, who considered more important to hide his tracks, cover up, who and how fired.
Another lie is the official version of the SBU. "Antiterrorist Center SBU reports that the militants wanted to bring down the Ukrainian military transport aircraft An-26, but the missile struck wrongly airliner flying at the height 10 100 meters".

The Ukrainian authorities and the air force recalled all about downed by the Ukraine the Russian TU-154 aircraft in 2001 to hide his tracks now.

Fact 42 Flight MH17 "Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur" was cancelled on 17 July (traces of these data remained in the Internet). Website “Veterans Today” notes that according to the tracking service aircraft FlightRadar-24, flight to Kuala Lumpur was cancelled before "being hit by rocket in the aircraft". Flight cancellation could allow to replace the plane. Fake plane (flight MH370) could be shattered instead of aircraft that departed by flight MH17. The publication believes that passengers could really be dead, and the plane was controlled by the technology of unmanned drones, on autopilot.

Fact 43 Why are silent relatives of the flight MN now, when it became known about "the stale corpses" of the similar flight MH17?

1) Composition of flight MH370 (March 8) are 227 passengers and 12 crew members (a total of 239) from 14 countries, including 5 children under the age of 5 years. Among them 153 passengers had the citizenship of China (1 was a permanent resident of Hong Kong), 1 Russian was 43-year-old entrepreneur Nicholas Brodsky from Irkutsk (he was returning from a vacation in Bali, where he was engaged in diving), 2 of Ukrainians and others.

Two passengers (Italian Luigi Maraldi (Luigi Maraldi) and the Austrian Christian of Koala (Christian Kozel), which were listed in the lists, on the Board of aircraft was not. Iranians: Poorya Nur Mohammad Merdad and Delavar Seyed-Mohammadreza, purchased tickets with the help of those passports and were on the flight. That is, two passengers were on the flight on foreign passports.

Boeing 777-200ER company Malaysia Airlines did a joint flight with the Chinese company China Southern Airlines.

20 employees Freescale (12 Malaysians, 8 - Chinese) was flying to a business meeting in Beijing.

The owners of the company Malaysia Airlines began the first payments of compensation to the bereaved families of the deceased passengers of flight MH370. Each family will receive 50 thousand dollars.

Currently 6 families received the funds. More than 40 applications from families of Chinese passengers who were on Board the Boeing 777 are during the consideration.

Relatives 239 passengers of flight MH370 are entitled to compensation in the amount of 175 thousand dollars for each victim. Therefore the relatives are silent.

2) Composition of flight MH17 (July 17) are 283 passengers and 15 crew members (a total of 298).
First, 17.07.2014, the website of Malaysia Airlines reported that the nationality of all passengers of flight MH17 was restored. 298 people on Board were 192 citizens of the Netherlands (including 1 was a USA citizen at the same time), 44 citizens of the Malaysia (including 15 members of the crew), 27 citizens of the Australia, 12 - Indonesia, 10 - United Kingdom, 4 - Belgium, 4 - Germany, 3 - Philippines, 1 from Canada and 1 citizen of the New Zealand.

Among them 6 of scientists were flying this flight to a conference in Melbourne. Onboard of aircraft there were 80 (?) children.

At that time, according to the data of the state service for emergency situations of Ukraine, 186 of 298 of the bodies of dead were detected at the crash site in the Donetsk region. The search was conducted within the square area of 25 square kilometers, including the local reservoir.

The next day, 18.07.2014, Malaysia Airlines clarified that on board of the flight MH17 that crashed in the East of Ukraine there were 15 crew members and 283 passengers, among them 3 (!) children (2 of Malaysian and 1 Indonesian).

Strange difference is 3 children or 80 children, but understandable (facts: 4 and 40).

3) See the difference in the fact that 37 - the people’s defenders have surveyed the entire area completely and have sent to Kharkov 198 of bodies of dead people. The maximum that they can find are snippets of 9 bodies yet. Ask: ”Where the rest of 298 - 198 = 100 bodies of dead?” THEY WERE NOT THERE IN THE FIRST.

Fact 44 All passengers of the flight Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur registered on the flight MH17 July 17, 2014 flew from Amsterdam airport after 17 minutes after aircraft downed in the future on the territory of Donbass. Then this aircraft of the flight MH17 landed with a little delay safely at the airport in Kuala Lumpur.

Human rights defender Mark Ben-Naim has learned from the source in the Security Service of Ukraine: "Two identical Boeing 777/200 took off with a difference of 17 minutes from the airport in Amsterdam on July 17. The first aircraft simulated flight MH-17, but a single passenger registered on this flight was not be there. All the passengers of the flight MH17, were invited to the landing and flew on a similar aircraft later".
It is strange only that first the difference between flying was 5 minutes, and a month later it was 17 minutes. It is strange that living people from this flight have not given still a single interview.
To determine the validity of this information, it is necessary to check the archive database (there is likely a forgery - Soros had time to make), and to talk with real people of this second flight.

Conclusion 5 ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) has lost its reputation as an independent and objective expert commission. ICAO has lost its credibility. Such a commission can not have trust, we need urgently another commission with the official transfer to it of all data from the ICAO. (Fact: 45 - 53).

Fact 45 First, the people’s defenders asked for help in the investigation of the accident to the IAC. IAC is International Aviation Committee, brings together 11 countries of the former USSR. But IAC refused in favor of ICAO and the OSCE, wanting greater transparency and objectivity. But IAC refused in favor of ICAO and the OSCE, wanting greater transparency and objectivity and hoping that ICAO will invite to work the IAC.

Fact 46 What is the ICAO? ICAO is International Civil Aviation Organization. It is a specialized Agency of the United Nations, which sets international standards for civil aviation and coordinates its development with the purpose of increasing safety and efficiency. The Russian Federation is included in the ICAO, but there are only 1-2 people.

Today, the majority of the countries the UN are colonies of the United States. USA and the EU staged a coup and support the war in Ukraine. The composition of the ICAO is similar to the composition of the UN.

Fact 47 14 of the OSCE observers and 4 Ukrainian experts arrived at the crash site the very next day, July 18, 2014, but they only watched. The bodies of the dead were 3 days under the scorching sun in the 30-degree heat at the crash site in the Donetsk region.

One of these four Ukrainians is Alexander Hooke who is Deputy head of the OSCE mission in Ukraine said that the commission ICAO as part 81 of the expert from the Netherlands, Australia, Malaysia, UK, USA and other countries arrived in Kiev in the evening on July 17.

The government of Ukraine invited to participate in the investigation authorities of Malaysia and the Netherlands, the European Commission, the American company Boeing, the International civil aviation organization (ICAO), the American National Council for transport safety (NTSB) and the European organisation for the safety of air navigation (Eurocontrol). International criminal police organization (Interpol) and the police service of the European Union (Europol) were also going to send their employees to the site of the crash of the airliner.

The Commission ICAO as part 81 of the expert from 6-7 countries arrived in Kiev on July 17 and discussed something there during 4 days.

All requests of Boroday transmitted through Alexander Hooke to ICAO to experts came as quickly as possible, ICAO ignored. Boroday is Prime Minister of New Russia (Novorossia).

I repeat the words of Boroday, recorded on video from 19 July: "We don't see the goodwill of experts and good will of the world community... We face, if you will, with the sabotage of this investigation... Ukraine and the Ukrainian authorities aren’t interested in investigating this incident... The bodies of the dead are decomposed In 30 degree heat".

The Commission ICAO did not go. And, although the people’s defenders of the New Russia had their 30 investigators and 15 pathologists, but the OSCE and ICAO said: "Only don't touch anything".

After 3 days the people’s defenders of the New Russia took the only possible decision to collect all bodies of the dead as far as was possible under the supervision of the OSCE and journalists from different countries. And here OSCE expressed a strange requirement that the presence of journalists is undesirable.

July 20, the people’s defenders controlled the sending 5 refrigerated cars, with 198 bodies of those killed in the crash of a Boeing 777 in the East of Ukraine, from Thorez, near which the plane fell into Ilovaisk, and then into Donetsk. July 21, train with bodies arrived in Kharkov. July 20, Boroday announced that they had found  2 recorders.

It was at July 21, only 4 days after the crash. ICAO deign to move from Kiev to Kharkov. As they said, ICAO began work on July 21 in Kharkov. Probably, they wanted to control the sending bodies further. And why did not they split on two groups for the work in Doneck and Kharkov?

July 22, "black boxes were transferred to Malaysian experts" under the fire of the Ukrainian security forces.

July 23, bodies of those killed in special containers were flown from Kharkov in the Netherlands for identification.

July 23, Malaysia gave "black boxes" of the Netherlands.

It was only on August 31. ICAO got to the crash site and 1 August started to work (after 15 days). But they were there no long, just a week. ICAO has violated all the provisions of its Statute. They are: 1) ICAO did not come at the crash site after 4 hours, but only on the 15th day; 2) ICAO Members have not right to go anywhere until completion of the investigation; 3) They reported that they could not to present a month later Interim Report, that they were tired and went home. Their excuses not maintain any criticism.

Fact 48 Why arrived ICAO at the crash site only on the 15th day? Why was so afraid ICAO and didn't want to go to the crash site? Why sit ICAO so long in Kiev and Kharkov, arrived in Ukraine, although the people’s defender promised the security? It is one conclusion only. ICAO pulled time to the bodies of the dead have decomposed, and to identify them was not possible, then to accuse in this crime the people’s defenders. When they realized that this will not work, then arrived at the crash site.

Fact 49 ICAO decided not to use IAC. It is clearly, ICAO does not want the truth, its purpose is to hide the truth, and all of its actions fully consistent with this.

Fact 50 The people’s defenders gave 2 recorders to ICAO so hard, under fire. But, hоw have  they disposed them? Malaysians testified that the recorders are absolutely intact, without damages, all seals are intact. ICAO, studying the recorders, said that there is the explosive decompression only. And it is hard to understand, most likely, the recorders were damaged. Are they damaged? It is strange, It is strange, by who? Why not be heard the last words: "Made'll, fire", which means in the aviation: "made shall fire” on the record. It is not like: "Help, help, SOS", but dispatchers heard it (fact: 32). Most likely, ICAO had time to work on recorders by removing of the last entry pilots, or emergency codes.

Why ICAO transferred recorders into the United Kingdom? This is a country that has a lot of experience in the falsification of records and the proper equipment to "clean up" all until the end.

Fact 51 Here is the position of the Kiev authorities. They interfered to transfer recorders from the people’s defenders to the ICAO. They are constantly fired at and they fired at the crash site now in order to the commission the ICAO and OSCE could not work. In addition, they made a desperate attempt to capture the crash site of the Boeing 777 through Shakhtersk to hide all evidence definitively. It did not happen.

ICAO had to resort to the UN Security Council with a request to provide normal working conditions, times Ukrainian authorities failed to provide it in this situation. Here ICAO has violated its Сharter for the first time. The UN Security Council just had to send peacekeeping forces in this case to Ukraine. Nothing has been done.

On the contrary, the people’s defenders of the Novorossia have helped to Commission and the observers.

Fact 52 ICAO played the role gladly: "We can not to work, we can't do anything,  there is shooting", But it is not. They could have a lot - see the fact: 49. ICAO was not going to conduct any work there. It was just enough to appear there 2 or 3 times for them, to show his presence, to did not accused of doing nothing, and they ran home a week later. ICAO has done exactly that, violating its Statute, on which she had not the right to leave the crash site until a full investigation into the causes of the disaster (it is a violation of 2).
And what do we see? ICAO stated Instead of turning to the United Nations (facts: 49, 50), that: 1) highly distorted picture of the crash have probably due to shelling and therefore does not make sense to continue the investigation; 2) the aircraft had to be collected from the wreckage completely on a platform to get a reliable picture of the causes of the crash. And what kind of professionals are they? I dare say that the professionals will not need to completely assemble the plane. The professional can easily identify that was it exploring the wreckage, the nature of the holes.

This case is namely one in which the separate evidence (wing, body, nose of the aircraft) allow to create an overall picture of the crash, not collecting plane from the wreckage. 

And here ICAO should fault in the complete incompetence. Even Internet users have done all the work for ICAO: facts 28-44, and Conclusion 1-5.

Fact 53 ICAO violates the Statute of ICAO very easy, step by step, unreasonably, that speaks about its "double standards" and it did not adds a positive reputation. There is violation of 3 of the ICAO Statute. ICAO said that it had decided to postpone indefinitely the Interim Report, which she had to submit later month (August 17) from incomplete data. Today, September 23, 2014. Report of the ICAO there is still no.

It is very strange reason of postponed Interim Report (with incomplete data) is due to insufficient data. It is a tautology.

Please, look Interim Report. There are no conclusions, even preliminary, that may be or may not be. There's just a report on its work over the last month. However, ICAO is even afraid of it. If there is no report, then you can destroy all the evidence after a while including transmitted from Russia and people’s defenders of the New Russia (Novorossia).

Such Commission can't have trust; we need urgently another Commission, with the official transfer of all data from ICAO.

September 8, 2014, Dutch safety Council (NRC) published a Preliminary report on the accident of Boeing 777 of the Malaysia Airlines company in the Donetsk region. But, this Report is not ICAO, and it only preliminary. There are only well-known facts.

CONCLUSION: IN COMMON. There was a terrible crime. It was the DOUBLE MURDER: people, kidnapped on March 8, were killed and then criminals wanted to the bodies of dead people were blown up and burned down in the crash of a Boeing 777-200ER on July 17 the territory of Ukraine (the facts: 28-44). But, everything has gone wrong. Preparation provocations began about half a year ago (facts 28, 29), when changing the details of the two airplanes Boeing 777. WHO ARE THESE CRIMINALS? See the article title and facts: 1, 5, 9, 22, 23, 25, 26, 37. But, in fact, countries involved in this crime are much more.

These countries forever should be deprived of the right to control the airspace above its territory.

Holland, thou shalt not take a sin on soul and convey the bodies of the dead people to the Chinese and Malaysian relatives of abducted passengers of aircraft Boeing 777 on March 8, which is then was shot down on 17 July (facts: 43, 44)!

Conclusion 1 There was a provocation in Ukraine. Its purpose is to bring down a Boeing 777-200ER and to blame the people’s defenders of the New Russia (Novorossia) or Russia in it for the reason of the official entry of NATO troops into the territory of Ukraine and to involve Russia in the war. The plane wasn't there supposed territory of Russia. (Facts: 1 - 7).

Conclusion 2 There was a volley from the missile system "Buk". A missile (SA-11 of the system "Buk-M1") did not reach 100 meters to the aircraft (there are traces of debris) and exploded ahead of time. Then Boeing 777-200ER was shot through the bottom of the aircraft by the machine-gun fire (there are 30 mm traces of machinegun fire, fact 13), and then it was finished off the core missile “air-to-air" (missiles R-73 or R-27) from the fighter (MiG-29 or Su-27). (Facts: 8 - 15).

Conclusion 3 Previously missing on March 7-8, Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO), flight MH370 "Kuala Lumpur (Holland) - Beijing (China), was stolen and was the United States military base on the Diego Garcia atoll, located along the route of flight MH370. Purpose: 1) to steal scientific military research and developments; 2) kidnapping of the scientists; 3) to steal them money; 4) a transportation of hazardous and (or) the secret of the cargos; 5) to use the stolen aircraft to new provocations. (Facts: 16 - 27).

Conclusion 4 There were not the living people on the aircraft downed July 17, with the exception of two pilots who landed with the help parachutes for a few seconds before the crash. And possibly there are were the four rich mans of the missing March 8 Boeing 777 (fact: 24), whose money been stolen from their Bank accounts on July 18.The idea of this provocation belongs to George Soros. Soros works for the CIA. Soros has control in the company of Malaysia Airlines on GAT. (Facts: 28 - 44).

Conclusion 5 ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) has lost its reputation as an independent and objective expert commission. ICAO has lost its credibility. Such a commission can not have trust, we need urgently another commission with the official transfer to it of all data from the ICAO. (Fact: 45 - 53).

In addition, in order to divert world attention from this heinous crime, the CIA made 2 crash in July 2014 yet:

1) on July 23, the plane of  "Algerian airlines” crashed. According to the latest data, on board there were 119 people. All passengers died.

2) on July 23, there is as the ensuing crash landing of the plane ATR-72 of the TransAsia Airways company (it fell to earth), 48 people died, 10 passengers managed to escape in the Taiwan Penghu district. There were 54 passengers and 4 crew members on board (total: 58).  

In both cases, we have seen and inexpressible grief of the relatives, and the ubiquitous journalists. That was completely absent in the crash on July 17 in Ukraine (facts: 33 - 37, 43, 44).

The task of the new Commission or Committee is to examine all the facts on the plan and add the missing ones disclosed in the course of the investigation, to clarify the conclusions.



Sources (they are 111, but if you look at the headers, then the chronology and nature of events becomes clear: the sources of an ordered by date).


10 of the simple questions from Russian to Kiev

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